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Middle Tennessee Floor Plans

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1220 - Stonehenge
1258 Stonehenge
1306 Talia Trace
1307 Talia Trace
1315 Elevation ABC
1315 Elevation JKL
1335 Elevation ABC
1335 Elevation DEF
1335 Elevation GHI
1335 Elevation JKL
1393 Stonehenge
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  • Stories: 2
    Garage: 1-Car
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1420 Park Place
1441 Elevation ABC
1441 Elevation DEF
1441 Elevation GHI
1464 Legacy Fields

Living inMiddle Tennessee

The Middle Tennessee area is exploding in population-as many as 100 people per day are flocking to the greater Nashville area-and it’s not hard to understand why! Music City offers unbeatable nightlife, a flurry of new dining and shopping options, and strong job growth in industries ranging from healthcare to startups. Often referred to as the “Athens of the South,” Nashville has a strong concentration of colleges and universities. Beyond the city limits lie charming villages and family-friendly towns with beautiful parks and some of the best school districts in the country. 

"Seldom does one deal with a business where one develops such trust and receives such great customer service and a superb finished product."

Skip K.