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Fall Home Maintenance Tips: Getting Your Ole South Home Ready

September 9, 2024

As the cool autumn air replaces summer's warmth, it’s prime time to prepare your Ole South home for the upcoming season. Proper fall maintenance ensures your home remains in top condition and reinforces Ole South Homes’ commitment to the long-term satisfaction of our homeowners. Here’s a checklist of essential fall home maintenance tasks to help you get your home ready for fall.

Inspect and Clean Gutters

As leaves start to fall, your gutters can become clogged. Be sure to clean out any debris and ensure that water flows freely through the downspouts. This will prevent water damage and ice dams during the winter.

Service your Heating System

Before the cold weather sets in, get your heating system inspected and serviced. Remember to regularly replace filters to ensure your furnace is running efficiently to keep your Ole South home warm and energy efficient.

Inspect the Chimney

If you have a fireplace, schedule a chimney inspection and cleaning. This reduces the risk of chimney fires and ensures that your fireplace operates safely and efficiently.

Prepare Outdoor Spaces

Winterize your garden tools and store them in a dry place. Drain and store hoses to prevent freezing and damage. Also, check that outdoor lighting is working properly to be prepared for the shorter, darker days.

Check and Replace Detectors

Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries if needed. Ensuring these safety devices are working properly is important for your family’s safety year-round, bur, especially during the colder months.

By following these fall maintenance tips, you’ll keep your Ole South home in great shape and ready for the cold season ahead. Remember that regular upkeep protects your investment and promotes the comfort and enjoyment of your Ole South home for many years to come. 

"Choosing Ole South for our family was the best choice we could have made for our first home. The agents that represent Ole South have a great knowledge about the product and always made us feel welcomed every time we came to look at "our" home. Definitely customer service had a huge impact on our decision and as well as the great quality our home possesses. The day of closing the Vice President came to our home, as well as the Ole South agent and the project manager, just to say thank you for choosing Ole South. It made us feel as though we made the right decision that day and after three years don't ever regret choosing an Ole South home."

John and Amanda B.